Be Fit like Tiger: College Golf Workout #1

Is the reverse overlap grip the new fad? How long before it breaks into the college golf scene?
Lately I’ve noticed that a lot of tour players have switched their putting grips to the reverse overlap grip; and I mean A LOT. Not just any tour players, however, but the best of them--including Phil...
The 2013 Spring Season for the National Collegiate Club Golf Association (NCCGA), a collection of over 100 elite non-varsity college golf clubs spanning from Boston to Los Angeles, came to a close this past weekend at Purdue University’s Kampen Golf Course in West Lafayette, Indiana. A host to the 2008 NCAA Men’s College...
Spring is officially upon us; courses are slowly starting to open up and golfers are awakening from their long, golf-less winter hibernation. For me, it’s difficult to adjust having grown up in beautiful Monterey, California. Nonetheless, it’s a concession I knew I had to make in order to study in New England.
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