Monthly Archives: June 2014

Take a chance. Go play golf.

To me, Golf WAS that boring “sport” that old farts played. It WAS a rich man’s sport. It WAS a waste of time. 10 years later, I’m now the kid with an absolute obsession for the game (and no, I’m not old OR rich). Growing up in Monterey, California, golf courses were plentiful. With Pebble Beach...
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Golf is a Getaway from Life’s Stresses

#GOLFIS a chance to escape. There are so many stresses in life from finding a job, to keeping a happy relationship, to making ends meet with your finances. Where are the breaks in life? It’s not very often...
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SNAG Clicking for Junior Golfers

Remember back when you were a kid and you picked up a golf club for the first time? Maybe one of your parents put it in your hands... Maybe you borrowed one from your friend who had a set... Or possibly it was on a mini golf course, where the colorful putter heads drew you...
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5 Tips for Young Professional Golfers in Cincinnati

Are you a college student or one of the many young professional golfers in Cincinnati?  Are you an experienced golfer or even someone just interested in learning about the game?  If so, then you have found one of the top cities for golfing opportunities.  With golf ranges and courses located throughout the tri-state, golfers of...
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What Makes Golf Different Makes it Great

Whether you’re an avid golfer, a recreational golfer or not a golfer at all, everyone has their own definition of the game. You might think that golf is the greatest game every played, but then again, you may argue that it’s not even a sport. I’m not trying to change anyone’s opinion – in fact, I...
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#GOLFIS The Perfect Afternoon Date

When you’re dating Chase Russell (president of the National Collegiate Club Golf Association, public relations chair of the Iowa State University Golf Club and intern at the World Golf Foundation), golf is hard to avoid. I got my set of clubs (pink, of course) from Chase for my birthday a few years ago. At the time,...
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#GOLFIS The Perfect Excuse

For me #GOLFIS...
  1. Therapeutic:  After spending 6 years in the Marine Corps, two of which were spent in different war zones, Golf has given me the opportunity to blow off steam and clear my head.
  2. My Sundays: Golf is how I spend my Sundays. Whether it’s getting out on the course myself, or catching the final day...
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#GOLFIS What You Make Of It

Golf has always been an exciting challenge for me. And while I can't hit in the 70s to save my life, I love every moment I'm out on the golf course. I've seen how golf can change lives since it has changed mine! (more…)...
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#GOLFIS All About The People You Play With

I first started playing the game of golf at a young age. My Dad took me out to play 9-holes at a course in a small town in Kansas. I was hooked. We started playing as many times as our busy schedules would allow, adding my little brother to the mix as well. We were...
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