Monthly Archives: June 2014

Golf Is A Way To Remember

#GOLFIS a way to remember. Who introduced you to golf? Was it your mom or dad? Maybe it was your grandparents, maybe your friends. For me that person was my dad. I grew up practicing with my dad in the backyard bending shots around the house. As I got older, he took me to the course. It...
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Four Reasons Golf Courses Should Care About Millennial Golfers

The golf industry as a whole is very short sighted. The typical owner, manufacturer, and PGA professional are focused on the 50 year old male golfer who is going to buy clubs, balls, take a lesson, and play on weekend mornings. Naturally these are the players who keep the lights on, but what if you...
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Why Club Golf is More Fun Than Varsity College Golf

1) No morning workouts or missed classes Play golf when you want to. If you've got a big test next week, don't sweat it. Club golf allows flexibility in the lives of our club golfers in a much different way than playing varsity college golf. 2) Have the time to be in greek life and still play...
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How to use Twitter to Grow Club Golf

NCCGA is one of the fastest growing organizations in all of golf, and who would have thought that a free tool–twitter–would play such a larger part in fueling it? For many of us in NCCGA, setting up a team twitter is second nature if you’ve been using twitter already to follow the news and stay in...
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College Golfer Falls in Love with the Sport

Nikos Pavlis is a junior at the University of South Carolina, majoring in Business Management and minoring in European Studies. A soccer player and college golfer, Pavlis serves as the Regional Coordinator of the Southeast region, and formerly as the South Carolina Club Golf President. What have you been up to this summer? This summer I am...
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Why We Love Golf

What the sport of golf means to people is extremely difficult to put into only 140 characters on Twitter, since at any one moment golf can be any number of things. It can be a moment of triumph as you break 80 for the first time or crushing defeat as you 3-putt your last hole...
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College Golfer Stays Involved in the Summer

Campbell Wentworth-Ping is a rising sophomore, majoring in Communications with a double minor in Spanish and Sports and Event Management. He is a college golfer for the Elon University Club Golf Team, also serving as the Club President and the North Carolina Regional Coordinator. - What are you up to this summer? I am working at a...
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Cleveland Cares about Collegiate Club Golf

For those of you who attended the 2014 Spring National Championship at Crystal Springs Resort in New Jersey, you experienced the first sponsored hole at any NCCGA event.  For each day of the tournament, Cleveland Golf/Srixon, our national golf partner, set up camp at the 4th hole of the Ballyowen course.  They showcased...
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Fraternity Golf for Iowa State ATO

It takes hard work to start a new club golf team and one of the biggest challenges in growing golf on college campuses is finding organized groups of students interested in golf. It comes as no surprise that fraternities are a key resource in finding students interested in club golf. Matt Dohse of Iowa State...
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