Team Never Lay Up was nice enough to give us an interview and we're happy they'll be joining other great young professionals at the City Tour Championship in Chicago this weekend.
Q. So, do you mind starting off by telling us how you initially got involved with Nextgengolf?
A. Sure thing. I originally heard about NextGenGolf through
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City Tour Championship – Never Lay Up for Drucker Team Profile

What type of City Tour golfer are you?

The Nextgengolf City Tour is rapidly approaching and you may be asking yourself if the CIty Tour is right for you. So, we’ve put together a quick guide to help you figure it out.
The Recent College Grad
Either you’re about to graduate within the next couple of weeks or you’ve graduated in the last few years....
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5 Tips for City Golfers in Boston

Being a Boston public golfer is tough. If you have ever searched for golf in Boston, you will find the majority of the courses close to the city are private, there are only a few public courses accessible by public transportation, it is difficult to find where to get a lesson and getting to the...
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College Golf in the City

When thinking of Washington D.C., golf is certainly not the first thing that comes to mind. And it certainly was not a reason factoring into my decision to attend The George Washington University, a school located just three blocks from the White House. City life has its perks: great food, nightlife, and job opportunities just...
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