Monthly Archives: July 2014

Caddying: The Summer Job for College Golfers

After nearly 10 years of caddying, I have been the beneficiary of some of the great perks that caddying has to offer. While there are many perks to the job, I have narrowed them down to four.

Good Money

For most caddies, money was the number one factor that pushed them towards the job. Some of my...
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7 College Fundraising Tips for your Club Golf Team

Fundraising can often be the biggest headache for a new president or an existing team. Many of our teams, however, find creative ways to raise money each semester and most of them do not take much time or effort. Fundraising can be intimidating at first, but if it is done right you...

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Golf Is A Date With Dad

I was raised to be a basketball player. Most little girls want to be princesses or ballerinas when they grow up; I wanted to play in the WNBA. My dad and I spent hours every day shooting hoops and practicing ball-handling drills. My favorite part about playing basketball was spending time with my dad, but...
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5 Pre Round Golf Stretches

Year after year, professional golfers are being injured by overworking muscles and ligaments in their body.  Golf stretches are a key way to keep yourself from being injured. We've put together a few super easy golf stretches in a routine for you to incorporate before your next round. Here is a quick 5-minute routine of golf...
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Golf Is A Sport We Love

#GOLFIS more than just a sport. It is more than competitions and winning. To me, golf is about playing a great sport with great people and having a great time. Others often overlook the game of golf, claiming it doesn’t take much skill or thought. If only I could prove them wrong more often. Golf is a...
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Golf Blogging For NCCGA Club Golf

My name is David Uhrmacher and I am the NCCGA Director of Communications. Under the leadership of Chase Russell and company this year, we are going to move the NCCGA and Nextgengolf with hopes to grow both club golf and recreational golf on college campuses to an all-time high level. With that overarching goal...
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Golf Is A Sport Of Creativity

Golf is a sport of patience and composure; a slow-paced game, and this does not appeal to many young people. While there is not much one can do to make the game as fast paced sport like basketball, it can be made more of an adventure. When I was younger I loved going to summer golf...
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