Club golf preparation begins now

There are many ways your club golf team can get a head start before the season begins. Why wait to recruit and fundraise when you can start now? Here are 4 ways your club golf team can be better than last year and get a leg up on your competition. Is there anything your club does that's not on the list? Make sure you share it with the rest of the country by sending it out on Twitter, or sending an e-mail to myself or your zone manager. We love when clubs share best practices.

1. Practice Rounds

No#ClubGolf_GolfCoursew that the dates and location of the Fall 2015 NCCGA season are finalized, there’s no doubt that your team will perform better if they play the course a few times before the tournament. Sometimes it’s hard to play a practice round right before the tournament, especially if you have mandatory classes or exams the Friday before the tournament. Create a Facebook event for the practice round and invite the team! Organization is key.

2. Recruitment

#ClubGolf_RecruitmentIf your college has a few thousand incoming freshman, there’s a good chance that at least a few of them are good at golf, but didn’t pursue college varsity golf. Make sure you can get on your university’s Class of 2019 Facebook page or other social media pages where freshman hangout to inform them about your club golf team. Getting your club's name out is the first step towards recruitment.

3. Create date for first event

If you create a date for your first practice or first meeting now and pin it to your Facebook or Twitter page, it will be much easier for people to mark the date down and stay committed to it. Get people excited about your first practice by advertising the date well in advance!

4. Keep Exec./Council Motivated

As a club president, it is important to get your council or executive board thinking about what goals they would like to accomplish this semester (and if you don't have an executive board, you should get one). It’s good to set goals, hence the reason most businesses today require employees to set short & long term goals. At your first meeting, make sure to actually write down your goals somewhere so you will be more likely to accomplish them.

Good luck getting ready for the Fall season and qualifying for Nationals at TPC San Antonio!

***Brandon Harrold is the 2015 NCCGA President. He can be reached at