on Twitter_files/OuVBnwF7_normal.png)
Photos and videos
 on Twitter_files/BhhayYcIcAA7PqY.jpg)
That awkward smile you give someone after they try and joke about their topped shot pic.twitter.com/RsrUj9YFtB
 on Twitter_files/Bhc-V2BCEAIQqcY.jpg)
When I see someone with iron covers pic.twitter.com/T7YG5SbNWl
 on Twitter_files/BhaL9PaCYAARaNQ.jpg)
That moment after you hit a tee shot out-of-bounds pic.twitter.com/ChEG3sS5qD
 on Twitter_files/Bg2WyjZIcAAAU10.jpg)
Trying to stay cool after hitting the shot of your life pic.twitter.com/TLUqosy1WF
 on Twitter_files/BgxwYfNIMAATpOA.jpg)
10K+ students play club golf in @NCCGA. Join the movement: https://nextgengolf.org/collegiate/ pic.twitter.com/4mhCK96gEw
 on Twitter_files/BgsKDKeIIAAJUQJ.jpg)
 on Twitter_files/BgoDE11IAAAgtRE.jpg)
Stop watching golf on weekends and start playing @NCCGA tournaments this spring: http://www.nccga.org pic.twitter.com/IvS8Zd9JhG
 on Twitter_files/BgiqeMQCEAAv58s.jpg)
When I see someone with iron covers pic.twitter.com/nzkUXH9Zep
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Friday's here pic.twitter.com/fze1SBLq8J
 on Twitter_files/BgZckiGCQAIMAMn.jpg)
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GIVEAWAY: RT & follow @TotalGolfMove_ & @NCCGA to win an NCCGA @SrixonGolf tour hat. http://twitter.com/TotalGolfMove_/status/434035703194742784/photo/1pic.twitter.com/57q80BgCg8 pic.twitter.com/ZZqUWtO5oj
 on Twitter_files/BgXVkXwIQAAI4gt.jpg)
Flushed shots got me like pic.twitter.com/i3aZYR4zVf
 on Twitter_files/BgVMNQoIEAE80dX.jpg)
Start an @NCCGA club golf team --> you receive a dozen @SrixonGolf Z-Stars & #PLAYER shirt: http://nccga.org/playing-collegiate-club-golf/ … pic.twitter.com/Huf16CWtGo
 on Twitter_files/BgUYYNtIIAAZF2N.jpg)
Dufner's the man pic.twitter.com/hAjjabkUjN
 on Twitter_files/BgSDQuHIAAEILW1.jpg)
Realizing it's only Wednesday.. pic.twitter.com/fjUnCtxlLU
 on Twitter_files/BgPDxfeCIAEbjCj.jpg)
When class is cancelled pic.twitter.com/uQNclePq2T
 on Twitter_files/BgEGWM0CIAIKYHS.jpg)
Walking off the green after a three-putt pic.twitter.com/iKvdRP2egF
 on Twitter_files/BgD6p-wIQAE1fzx.jpg)
.@NCCGA has 200+ college club teams. Does your school have one? http://nccga.org/collegiate-club-golf-teams/ … pic.twitter.com/HTnPY7U9jx
 on Twitter_files/Bf-vtwaIEAA_6fb.jpg)
James Hahn chest-bumping his caddy after holing out for eagle. #TGM pic.twitter.com/EWk1tNPM5j
 on Twitter_files/Bf0C_GLIMAAb77R.jpg)
Bucket List: Drive down Magnolia Lane #TheMasters pic.twitter.com/aZjfq4gDgG
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